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NOW LIVE: EnPAx MOOC on Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace

Sep 17, 2024 | Environmental Peacebuilding Association (EnPAx) and SDGAcademyX
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EnPAx and SDGAcademyX are pleased to announce that our historic, popular course on Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace is now live.  This fifth iteration of the course is self-paced.


This 8-week course on Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace provides an in-depth introduction to the multiple roles that natural resources and the environment play in the onset, escalation, and resolution of, and recovery from, violent conflicts. Many of the considerations and approaches in this course are also relevant to understanding and addressing social conflicts around natural resources and the environment.


This course is for:

  • Peace and security specialists that want to understand more about natural resources.
  • Natural resource experts that want to design more conflict-sensitive programs.
  • Sustainable development practitioners - as well as private-sector actors - who need to understand how natural resources can be developed in fragile contexts with weak governance.
  • Advanced undergraduates and graduate students interested in the key concepts and practices of this growing field.


For more information and to sign up, please visit here: SDGAcademyX: Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace | edX